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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Kaiser Wilhelm II and The First World War Essay Example for Free
Kaiser Wilhelm II and The First World War Essay The British postcard delineates Kaiser Wilhelm II in a shower, where he is going to get a bar of cleanser marked Europe, with a subtitle citing He wont be cheerful till he gets it. This recommends he is happy to utilize power to catch Europe. Wilhelm is wearing a military protective cap and has a voracious appearance all over, which gives us the impression he is happy to battle for what he needs. Sources B and C both vary, yet them two concur that Wilhelms disposition towards the war was exceptionally savage. In source B, Wilhelms discourse is by all accounts taken over by his feelings: outrage, hostility, enthusiasm and heaps of assurance. He alludes to specific expressions, for example, show no mercy, must be pulverized and heartless brutality. Words, for example, these give us that he needs inconvenience. Anyway in source C, there is more discuss harmony. It is by all accounts a progressively stifled and increasingly insightful discourse. I was consistently a supporter of harmony. Be that as it may, at that point he proceeds to state how harmony has its cutoff points. What's more, he can not, at this point simply look on, however should draw the blade! This giving the last end that Kaisers mentality towards the war has not changed since 1900 in spite of the fact that he has gotten progressively conciliatory. This postcard might be one-sided, as the British whom were going to do battle with him created it. England needed to depict him in however much negative light as could reasonably be expected, along these lines this postcard probably won't be honest. Yet, utilizing my own insight, I realize that Kaiser Wilhelm II was a forceful man who originated from a forceful nation and to control Europe was his sole desire. Likewise, Britain knew about Wilhelms targets and somewhat considers him liable for the Moroccan Crises. They accordingly have a valid justification to depict him along these lines. The Kaiser was a war hawk and caused the Great War. The proof given in the sources underpins this announcement and furthermore can't help contradicting it. Source An obviously bolsters this view. The animation shows Wilhelm ravenously grabbing Europe, alongside the war head protector, which demonstrates war. Source B backs this announcement as well. There is no indication of quiet man in his discourse. In this he says he needs Germans to secure a comparative notoriety as Attilas Huns did in the fifth century. Attila was the King of the German clan the Huns who desolated Eastern Europe. Be that as it may, there is discussion of harmony in his later discourse (1913), despite the fact that this cheerful idea is hosed by the signs of war Must draw the blade. Nonetheless, utilizing my own insight I realize that the Great War was not just the flaw of Wilhelms, there was numerous different reasons. As I would see it, contentions were the primary factor, which achieved the First World War. Without competitions, nobody would have a reason to begin a war. There were numerous contentions; Britain and Germany; France and Germany; Austria-Hungary and Russia and Serbia and Austria. These competitions assisted with causing war between the forces of Europe since they all needed to battle for some explanation. Another factor was coalitions. With collusions, everybody was hauled into war, regardless. For this situation, it couldnt be kept away from. Furthermore, in conclusion, the death of Franz Ferdinand was the impetus. This gave Austria an ideal chance to pronounce war on Serbia. With this, Austria and Serbia were at war alongside their partners. It caused incredible annihilation as most nations were included. This is verification that the Kaiser didn't cause the Great War, as you need two nations to have a war. Cause the war he didn't, however a war hawk he might be.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Taste of paradise
Presentation The book Tastes of Paradise by Wolfgang Schivelbusch is given to the historical backdrop of human inclinations in food and drinks. What's more, the writer attempts to connect the food inclinations of individuals at various timeframes to the social changes and noteworthy events.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Taste of heaven explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The point of this paper is to examine whether the energizers tasted by individuals change our social class and history. The fundamental thought of the book In the book Tastes of Paradise, Wolfgang Schivelbusch offers us a fascinating input on the job of flavors, espresso, liquor, tobacco, and different energizers in our history and social turn of events. The creator contends that the disclosure of these energizers impacts a mind-blowing method enormously and, in this manner, sway our history. He makes reference to that individuals has been profoundly esteeming the flavors f rom the antiquated occasions. The salt is one of the most boundless fixings which everybody has on their kitchen. In any case, not every person realizes that the salt was related with the wellbeing in the antiquated occasions. Anyway unusual it appears to us currently, yet individuals accepted that the salt improved their wellbeing. These days we realize this isn't generally so. The extreme utilization of salt may cause genuine sicknesses. The creator gives the models from history when individuals set out to travel millions miles from home so as to give the gracefully of the fascinating fixings to Europe. The flavors, espresso, tea, and tobacco turned into the benefit of European privileged. The accessibility of these items made the outside terrains the bone of conflict among the European realms. Moreover, these products turned into the objects of the energetic exchange. So as to get the entrance to them, the European countries took the intense activities and even occupied with the military clashes. The cost of flavors, espresso, tobacco and other extraordinary merchandise in the worldwide market pulled in the shippers from various nations. Basically, the exchange these products was the wellspring of the underlying collection of capital. The creator likewise expresses that the disposition of individuals to certain energizers and normal fixings relied upon their strict perspectives and convictions. Specifically, he makes reference to that the work and movement were the absolute most noteworthy qualities among the Protestants. It isn't astonishing that the espresso had consistently been their preferred refreshment. Additionally, they didn't expend the liquor and the espresso had gotten a substitute to it, to some extent.Advertising Looking for article on writing dialects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More conversely, the Catholics favored the chocolate. It was the delicacy accessible just to the Catholic pri vileged and the conventional individuals didn't approach it. In this manner, a significant number of contentions demonstrating the impact of the outlandish characteristic fixings on the humanity advancement exist. Tastes and current society Nowadays individuals additionally like various types of energizers and regular fixings upgrading the taste characteristics of dishes. In any case, the demeanor of individuals to them has changed. They despite everything like these merchandise yet they comprehend that huge numbers of these items cause mischief to their wellbeing. The specialists regularly guarantee that espresso impacts the apprehensive and cardiovascular frameworks contrarily. The over the top utilization of flavors can likewise be destructive. Smoking is supposed to be the reason for malignant growth and numerous different ailments. Indeed, even the dark tea can make hurt our wellbeing on the off chance that we drink it much of the time. The data about the handiness and hurtfuln ess of different items accessible available is the thing that individuals needed the past. Today we have a chance to discover a great deal of data in the Internet or other media. Additionally, the clinical science progressed generously. The specialists stress us over the negative results of the utilization of different items. By the by, many individuals keep smoking, drinking liquor, espresso and eating flavors I think these items keep affecting our lives considerably. Notwithstanding the way that we have gotten increasingly mindful of their characteristics, we despite everything go through some piece of our spending plan on them. The liquor and tobacco organizations acquire benefits on individuals dependence on the liquor and nicotine. Frequently individuals who have low salary are prepared to address a critical cost for cigarettes, espresso, and liquor. Without a doubt, these items impact their monetary government assistance. The utilization of the costly wines, scotches, differen t drinks, and stogies is as yet viewed as the indication of the societal position and prosperity.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Taste of heaven explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More I concur with the possibility that the energizers impact the social turn of events. They reflect individuals propensities. Also, our propensities mirror our mindset. It is coherent to state that these items impact our history. End In request to sum up all previously mentioned, it ought to be said that the preferences and food inclinations assume a urgent job in our life. The writer of the book Tastes of Paradise communicated the possibility that the energizers and flavors sway the social turn of events and the historical backdrop of humanity. He gives various convincing contentions. I concur with his announcement. As I would like to think, our preferences and inclinations mirror our qualities and individual highlights. That is the reason they in a roundabout way impac t our life way. This paper on Taste of heaven was composed and put together by client Gary Mcfarland to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Conference on cybersecurity starts today COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Conference on cybersecurity starts today COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog If youre interested in learning more about cybersecurity, then tune in today (and tomorrow) for SIPAs Conference on Internet Governance and Cybersecurity. Hosted in collaboration with the Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG), the wide-ranging agenda touches on a series of pressing policy issues that affect Internet governance and cyber-security. Among these are privacy, security, innovation, international trade and cross-border data flows, data protectionism, human rights, freedom of expression, and much more. “New technologies present challenges to Internet governance and cyber-security. In response, governments must develop novel and adaptive policy responses that reflect input from private industry, nonprofits, the academy, and others,†said Dean Merit E. Janow. “SIPA’s global, multidisciplinary perspective and status as the hub of policy studies at Columbia makes the School the ideal setting for an examination of these issues.†The conference will bring together more than 40 thought leaders from a wide range of backgroundsâ€"influential U.S. and international policy makers, entrepreneurs, legal experts, technologists, corporate executives from around the world, and faculty from SIPA and other Columbia University schools. They will take part in a program that includes nine panels, a series of keynote addresses, and discussions of interest. The addresses will feature some pretty outstanding people in the internet governance and cybersecurtiy fields, including: Vinton Cerf (Chief Internet Evangelist, Google) ?Marietje Schaake (Dutch member of the European Parliament) Brad Smith (General Counsel Executive Vice President, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft) Lawrence Strickling (Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, US Department of Commerce) Tim Wu (Professor, Columbia Law School) and many more “This is a critical moment for Internet governance within many nations and globally,†said Benjamin Dean, a fellow in cyber-security and Internet governance at SIPA. “Right now, we face challenges in balancing individual privacy and collective security, managing local data control with an internationally accessibly internet; respecting human rights on a global internet when their application is so uneven amongst countries, and many more. We’re pleased to welcome such diverse and distinguished thinkers to Columbia to look at these challenges and identify policy where opportunities might lie.†To provide the basis for the panel discussions, participating speakers, organizations and the Research Advisory Network (RAN) of the Global Commission on Internet Governance have contributed a number of background papers. (Many of these have already been released and are available for viewing now.) “Cyber-security is a long-standing issue but has recently gained widespread awareness,†Dean added. At a high level, solutions have to be developed and deployed with input from governments and corporations around the globe. The challenge lies at the ground level though and involves combining the technical, economic, social and behavioral insights. It’s essential then that we find avenues for collaboration between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. This conference represents a major step in the right direction.†The conference is a program of Tech Policy @ SIPA, a major initiative that joins public policy, engineering, data science and entrepreneurship, and more through a variety of activities. The conference will be held at the Italian Academy, located on the Columbia University campus in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood. SIPA and the Global Commission on Internet Governance thank Carnegie Corporation of New York and Microsoft for their generous support that makes the conference possible. Thanks also go to the event’s media partner, Bloomberg; to the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), for their logistical support; and Columbia’s Institute for Tele-Information (CITI), for their academic support. Click here to watch the live stream (starts promptly at 9:00am EST on both days) and learn more about the conferences agenda.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
You Can Not Go Through Life Without Having A List Of Rules
You can not go through life without having a list of rules. I hope to grow up and become a parent myself and one thing that I hope to teach my children one day is that they need to work their hardest until they succeed and that they need to learn from their failures. One quote that I really like is from Thomas Edison who said, â€Å"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways not to build a lightbulb.†What I take from this quote is that life doesn’t end after you fail, you need to take that failure and expound on it and learn from it. I live by a lot of rules, I believe obeying rules is hard work but if I obey them I will get a lot of things in return and that’s what I hope my kids take away from life and my rules, is that if you do something hard you’ll get something great in return. In my freshman year I was nominated to be the team captain of my baseball team and that night I was really nervous because I didn’t think I was the right person for the job because I am a quiet kid and I just go to baseball to do two things, win and get better. I also get angry at people when they mess up but I do usually keep it to myself. I was also really nervous when I was up to hit because I didn t want to get hit by the ball. So I didn’t really know how to be a team leader. That night I was sitting around table eating dinner when I started talking about what I should do. My dad gave me this tip that when I’m up to bat say to myself, I can hit the ball, I can hit the ball. This gaveShow MoreRelatedThere Are Different Levels Of Fame1360 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent levels of fame: Total Fame. Here you are famous on a wide scale and your name is on the world platform. Most people aspire for total fame but only the most talented and most lucky people achieve it. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dantes Inferno Free Essays
The Inferno is more than just a fictional story about someone traveling through life. It is actually more like an autobiographical journey of life through its author, Dante Alighieri’s. He basically wrote with the personal purpose of recording where all of the people he came in contact within his life, will go when they die. We will write a custom essay sample on Dantes Inferno or any similar topic only for you Order Now This could be one of three places; Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven. He went on to design specific, fitting punishments or rewards based on each person’s life. Dante then tied this all together and made himself a character that walks the entire length of the abstracted world. Written in the early 1300s by an angry Dante living in exile, he literally describes a man who has been trapped, and must find a way to escape. He also includes the hidden Renaissances darkness, and the people who are Manipulating. As Dante passes through the depths of hell he begins to see sins that would be punished and tortured in medieval times to the same acts that are displayed in the era of the Renaissance, and yet are treated differently. The Renaissances era that had a lot of influence on Dante and the journey through hell. Whether they were someone that betrayed him in his political career or the girl that he fell in love with when he was 9 years old, he found a way to integrate them into the Inferno. It’s not hard to notice that in the symbols, Dante considers trust and loyalty to be one of the most important human characteristics. He basically felt this way due to the point that he was betrayed and exiled away from his beloved homeland, by the pope. It is because of this that he places offenders of breaking these at the center of hell. Dante was exiled from Florence in 1302 and this is where his feelings that helped structured the story. When he comes out of the dark forest Dante is blocked by the three beasts. The beasts are a lion, a leopard, and wolf. The lion is seen to poses pride, the leopards’ role is that of lust and the wolf represents is greed. The three ferocious beasts have three of the seven deadly sins. Canto 3 started the read when Dante comes to himself again and realizes he is lost in a dark, savage, threatening forest deep in a valley. He tries all night to find a way out; when he comes to the foot of a high hill and his way is blocked by three beasts. He thinks he’s going to get past the leopard that comes first, but the lion is more fearsome, and the wolf drives him back, despairing, to the dark wood. He then sees a human shape and calls out for help. It is the shade of Virgil, When researched he was the great Roman poet of the time of the emperor Augustus, where he as a poet has learned so much, and Dante begs him for help against the wolf. Virgil tells him that the wolf is too fierce to get by, that she is ravaging all of Italy, and will do so until the person comes who can chase her back to Hell. But Virgil promises to get him out of the dark wood, not by taking him past the beasts, but by leading him through Hell. Once he has seen those who suffer in Hell, Virgil will lead him up the mountain of Purgatory, where souls become ready for eternal bliss, and then someone else will take over and lead him up to Heaven. Virgil can’t go there because, living before Christianity had spread, and he was not a Christian. Dante accepts Virgil’s guidance through hell, and they set out. The first circle he sees was beings that where not good enough to go to heaven, or bad enough to join the bottom of hell. As the reading continued I realized it also showed that the angles had a choice between heaven and hell, which made it different from anything I have read from the past. Canto 5, is when he first enters the Second Circle, Dante sees Minos, a horrible, snarling demon to whom each soul confesses everything. Minos warns Dante to turn back, but Virgil again asserts that Dante’s journey is divinely ordained. Dante hears wailing again. Spirits pass through the air like a flock of birds, tormented by Minos; they have no hope of rest, and no hope of less pain. One long line of spirits gets Dante’s attention, and he asks Virgil who they are. Virgil replies to him, all having died because of love, and Dante is bewildered by pity. Canto 34 is in the deepest depth of Hell, the lowest point in the whole universe. Virgil lets Dante know that he is about to see the being who is the ruler of Hell. Dante looks through the sadness and sees something that looks huge and like a windmill in the distance. The wind is strong, and he has to shelter himself behind Virgil. In the icy plain beneath them the souls are now completely buried in the ice, through which he sees them. When they get closer, Virgil makes Dante come out from behind him and look at Satan. Dante is so frozen and weak he feels neither dead nor alive, but he looks. There is the being who was once the fairest angel in Heaven, Lucifer, who rebelled against the one and only God who had made him so fair. Who was once beautiful but ugly now from where he sits, he is much bigger than the giants Dante saw at the outer edge of the deepest pits. His head has three faces, one red, one white and yellow, one black. Two big bat wings sprout under each face, and it is the flapping of those wings that made the ice of Cocytus. He weeps tears and blood from each of his six eyes, and in each mouth he chews on a sinner. Virgil having seen everything, they must go. Dante holds tight to Virgil, with his arms around Virgil’s neck, and Virgil goes right up to Satan and takes hold of his flanks, which are covered with hair. From tuft to tuft he descends to the midpoint of Satan’s body, and then manages to turn himself upside down and start climbing. They reach a cleft in the rock and there Virgil puts Dante down on the edge. Dante looks back, and there are Lucifer’s legs upside down. Dante is utterly bewildered. Virgil explains that the midpoint of Satan’s body is the center of gravity of the earth. The story also reminds me of Revelations more than just the relation of Rome. It is the same idea of describing others who have live into a different situation or character. Both Authors must have had similar feeling towards the groups, they both had hatred and wanted revenge. They describe the groups for who they were as a character that nobody would like. Dante Had made people change their family name, because he had shown a lot about the person to others, just because a relative was in the poem. He needed something to help him relived all the hatred he carried with him self; the Poem did not spike me as a comedy but more of a drama. How to cite Dantes Inferno, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay Example
Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Paper The starting point of Objectivist Epistemology is the principle, presented by Rand as a direct consequence of the metaphysical axiom that Existence is Identity, that Knowledge is Identification. Objectivist epistemology[9] studies how one can translate perception, i. e. , awareness acquired through the senses, into valid concepts that actually identify the facts of reality. Objectivism states that by the method of reason man can gain knowledge (identification of the facts of reality) and rejects philosophical skepticism. Objectivism also rejects faith and feeling as means of attaining knowledge. Although Rand acknowledged the importance of emotion in humans, she maintained that the existence of emotion was part of our reality, not a separate means of achieving awareness of reality. Rand was neither a classical empiricist (like Hume or the logical positivists) nor a classical rationalist (like Plato, Descartes, or Frege). She disagreed with the empiricists mainly in that she considered perception to be simply sensation extended over time, limiting the scope of perception to automatic, pre-cognitive awareness. Thus, she categorized so-called perceptual illusions as errors in cognitive interpretation due to complexity of perceptual data. She held that objective identification of the values of attributes of existents is obtained by measurement, broadly defined as procedures whose perceptual component, the comparison of the attributes value to a standard, is so simple that an error in the resulting identification is not possible given a focused mind. Therefore, according to Rand, knowledge obtained by measurement (the fact that an entity has the measured attribute, and the value of this attribute relative to the standard) is contextually certain. Ayn Rands most distinctive contribution in epistemology is her theory that concepts are properly formed by measurement omission. Objectivism distinguishes valid concepts from poorly formed concepts, which Rand calls anti-concepts. While we can know that something exists by perception, we can only identify what exists by measurement and logic, which are necessary to turn percepts into valid concepts. We will write a custom essay sample on Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Procedural logic (defined by Rand as the art of non-contradictory identification) specifies that a valid concept is formed by omitting the variable measurements of the values of corresponding attributes of a set of instances or units, but keeping the list of shared attributes a template with measurements omitted as the criterion of membership in the conceptual class. When the fact that a unit has all the attributes on this list has been verified by measurement, then that unit is known with contextual certainty to be a unit of the given concept. 9] Because a concept is only known to be valid within the range of the measurements by which it was validated, it is an error to assume that a concept is valid outside this range, which is its (contextual) scope. It is also an error to assume that a proposition is known to be valid outside the scope of its concepts, or that the conclusion of a syllogism is known to be valid outside the scope of its premises. Rand ascribed scope violation err ors in logic to epistemological intrinsicism. [9][4] Rand did not consider the analytic-synthetic distinction, including the view that there are truths in virtue of meaning, or that necessary truths and mathematical truths are best understood as truths in virtue of meaning, to have merit. She similarly denied the existence of a priori knowledge. Rand also considered her ideas distinct from foundationalism, naive realism about perception like Aristotle, or representationalism (i. e. , an indirect realist who believes in a veil of ideas) like Descartes or Locke. Objectivist epistemology, like most other philosophical branches of Objectivism, was first presented by Rand in Atlas Shrugged. [5] It is more fully developed in Rands 1967 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. [9] Rand considered her epistemology and its basis in reason so central to her philosophy that she remarked, I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Essay on Lils Marketing Plan
Essay on Lils Marketing Plan Essay on Lils Marketing Plan Marketing Plan for Lil’s Cafà © Market Situation -Industry Analysis: The coffee industry and the coffee shop business both have boomed in recent years, especially with regards to specialty coffees. The market for specialty coffees has grown as consumers become more educated about espresso-based drinks and how they are made. According to a National Coffee Association Annual Drinking Trends Survey, specialty coffee consumption has risen from 9 percent in 2000 to 16 percent in 2004. Every day, more than half of the adult population drinks coffee, 108.9 million people. The United States accounts for 52 million of those coffee drinkers. There are tea stats out there too I may be able to get you some. While fast food chains are growing at a rate of 2 percent each year, coffee shop chains grow more than 10 percent annually. Even though 75 percent of the cups of coffee brewed daily are consumed at home, 66 percent of Americans buy their coffee outside of their homes. Strong competition within the industry for new customers, premium locations, etc. but overall the industry is saturated, settled and stable which allows almost all of the competitors to yield very good margins - Competitors: * Beach Pea – Main competitor * Portsmouth Book Bar – unique paring similar to Lil’s and River Run * Lunch competitors: Beach Pea, Carl’s, Loco Coco’s, AJ’s, Town Pizza, and BBQ place will all be competitors for lunch business. * Chain coffee competitors: In the Kittery malls and in Portsmouth are Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts on Route 1, Route 236 and in Portsmouth. * Independent coffee competitors: In Kittery: Beach Pea. In Portsmouth, there are several cafes that offer a similar experience: Kaffee VonSolln, Cafà © Kilim, Breaking New Grounds, Popovers, Ceres Bakery, Cafà © Espresso, Port City Coffee, Me and Ollie’s, St Joe’s in York. * Breakfast competitors: Beach Pea, Bagel Caboose, Dunkin Donuts. * White Heron is opening up a cafà © on Islinton St will be serving their own tea and coffee etc. (Jay is involved) -SWOT: * Strengths – Large and varied target market. Located just outside Shipyard entrance (lunch). Coming in with proven operational strategies. Superior product quality. Unique brand and model. Foot traffic from neighboring stores. Financial support from the commissary kitchen. * Weaknesses – New brand with relatively low brand awareness in market. Lack of expertise in coffee shop management. New business means limited funds. Located outside of Portsmouth. Shipyard gate proximity location could be a liability in the AM. Target market could be too broad. * Opportunities – To be the only locally owned coffee shop in Kittery. To be the ‘go to’ coffee, tea, pastry, sandwich place in the greater Portsmouth area. * Threats- Competition, specifically from the Beach Pea, but also from area coffee shops. Sluggish economy could drive people away from higher end coffee. Construction could cause more delays to opening. -Competitive Advantages: * Tandem Coffee will be a competitive advantage of Lil’s Cafà ©. Tandem may be the best coffee North of Boston and South of Portland. * Serving loose leaf tea/being a tea room * CSR – This is a main point of difference between Lil’s and most other restaurants in the area. * River Run Books and Maine Squeeze Juicery – These unique parings will increase foot traffic and create another point of different for Lil’s * Backing of Bob’s/Robert’s – Having the operational experience and financial backing of two successful restaurants will give Lil’s support they will need as a new venture. * Location – Being located so close to the shipyard entrance may make Lil’s and attractive choice for lunch for the shipyard folks. Also the proximity to the hospital may prove to be advantageous as well. Target Market Seventy-Seven Percent Of U.S. Adults Drink Coffee Daily The challenge is how to identify a relatively broad target market
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